絲花花球(SILK bridal bouquets)
近年絲花質素大有改善, 像真度高, 某些花材的價錢甚至比鮮花還貴! 假花=劣質的觀念應該要改變了! 亦因我們做了鮮花多年, 找貨時較容易辨別絲花像真度的高低, 所以只會購買質素好的花材. 另外若遇到藝術感強而型態獨特的絲花, 我們亦會入貨. 增加創作的靈活度
選擇你心目中的主花/顏色/風格, 花藝師將為新娘設計出合心水的花球. 如訂購花球package, 額外購買婚禮花品可享9折優惠
Quality of silk flowers have been improved tremendously in recent years. Some of them are even more expensive then fresh ones! Concept of silk flower=poor quality should be changed! Since we’d been working with fresh flowers for so long, we can distinguish if the silk ones look like the real thing. And for a higher flexibility when we create, we’d also purchase those which look artistic & unique.
Choose your ideal main flowers/colours/style, and our floral designer will design a one-of-a-kind bouquet for you. You can enjoy a 10% off discount on floral items if you join the bridal bouquet package.