鮮花花球(FRESH bridal Bouquets)
我們擅長繽紛/復古的色彩, 無論西式自然或傳統偏圓款式, 均可根據新娘喜好與風格, 製作出合心水的花球.
鮮花花球主花使用進口花材. 例如肯亞/南美玫瑰, 荷蘭牡丹/屈金香/馬蹄蘭/繡球等. 因它們質素較為穩定. 唯鮮花受季節性及市場供貨所限, 我們將盡量按1st choice訂貨. 如遇缺貨, 我們將用2nd choice的主花進行創作.
We’re good at colourful/vintage design. You can tell us your style preference and we’d design a bouquet for the special you! Main flowers we used are imported from Holland/Kenya/S.America etc, which got a more stable quality. Yet fresh flower supplies are affected by seasonal & market factors. We’d design based on your 1st choice and would use 2nd choice only if the 1st was unavailable.