Bridal Bouquets 花球設計
無論中式或西式婚禮, 新娘都會捧著花球出門, march-in , 拍照. 它在大日子的出鏡率可是非常高, 因此一個合心水的花球非常緊要 ! 本店提供花球設計服務, 聆聽新娘子的喜好與需要, 度身訂做專屬花球.
我們提供鮮花/絲花花球設計, 可click 入相簿看到更多圖片 (稍後將加入乾花/永生花花球相簿)
Bouquet is with the bride most of the time throughout the wedding. So it’s crucial to have flowers that suits the style & needs of the bride. We’d love to listen to what you want, and design a custom-made bridal bouquet just for you and your big day!
We provide Fresh/Silk bouquet design. Click to see more pictures! (Dried/Preserved bouquets are coming soon)