Dried Bouquets 乾花花束
乾花花束近年很受歡迎,除了帶點 Vintage 的時尚感,若保存妥當,它是可以 Keep 很多年的,不用擔心花會謝/養花的問題。而若用作拍照,因為乾花輕身,長時間拿著都不容易累呢!所有乾花束都是 Tailor-made。可以告訴我們想要的顏色/感覺/花束用途,專業花藝師將設計出獨一無二的作品。
Dried bouquets are popular in recent years. They got this natural sense of vintage and can be kept for many years! (if stored probably). You won’t see it “die” so that also lessen the problems related to fresh ones. And its light-weight feature is great for carrying around during photo-shoot. All dried bouquets can be designed based on your preference.